
A specialist tool that helps gather ideas for process automation in companies of all sizes.


  • This new web app makes it easy and convenient for employees to write down work processes that involve repetitive and routine activities which could be automated.
  • It helps map out the most wasteful and inefficient processes where automation would yield the greatest returns.
  • Users write down the content and time cost of the process. The application then calculates the gains of automation, i.e. the working hours saved per year.
  • The results are analysed to determine which processes would be worth automating. The decision is made on the basis of how software robotics would increase employee satisfaction and benefit the organisation financially.
  • RPA, or robotic process automation, is then used to free employees from monotonous work by transferring the tasks to a robot.


Please fill in the form below to get a demo and gain access to start working out what could be automated at your company! We will get in touch with you within 2 working days!

Let's start achieving your business goals